At class today I was hit with the realization that there is just too much information from too many outlets. I have a client, actually many clients, that have a big case of "I know it's my food that is making fat, but do I do and eat?" They struggle with the realization that eating right and exercise is extremely hard work and wish for that easy pill or lipo to make it all easy. If it's easy you should probably stay away!
I am a big fan of Michael Pollan and his food beliefs, but also have the "sheeple"(as Kelley calls it) instinct to follow what mainstream seems to be doing. Our household goes back and forth just like everyone else in what we are doing on a daily basis. It seems so easy for some people to just make up their mind and do it without second guessing or looking back.
What makes it so difficult for all us "sheeple" anyway? I know it is easy to heat up a boxed meal or pick one up on your way home, but give it up and put a little effort into it, you may be amazed at how good a meal is when you put some work into it. We have so many choices and so many people telling us the choices we should make it's hard to just step back and make a choice on our own. Advertising and labeling are just a few ways they bombard us with thoughts and promises on healthy packaged food. Have you noticed there are no labels screaming at you in the produce section? We KNOW they are healthy, but yet we would rather eat the shit that tastes that crack in hopes we get our Omega-3's in to help us concentrate at work and school. Funny thing with those Omegas in processed foods you are probably getting a dose of HFCS followed by a shot of red, yellow, and blue to make it look pretty.
Next time you are at the grocery store stay on the perimeter and if it has a label ask your self "Is this real food, or food parts pressed together to make it look like the meatloaf/cookies our grandma made?" It is as simple as that....
Get back to simple food.
Foods that are engineered to sell you on there added nutrients is really not about your health, it is about their pocketbooks. It may be as simple as a food addiction and ridding yourself of the food toxins that come along with those added nutrients. If it is a man made food you should probably steer clear.
What is the best way and how do we know that it is the best way?...come back : )
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